Usual rant about the traffic corps


Registered User
Just back from a weeks holidays. Did just short of 600 miles around our fair isle. Caught in the tail of a hurricane. Where would you get it....
Anyway, 600 miles later and only one check point in the whole trip!! And that was just a left hand side cop checking the tax and insurance. Nobody even wanting to see had the elefantfresh been drinking or what have you. Of course, he hadn't but they were not to know. Where is this traffic corp anyway?
Re: Usual rant about the traffic corp

I drive about 600 miles weekly on average and would be rather disturbed if I was stopped at checkpoints more than once weekly. After all we don't as yet live in a police state and imho should be generally permitted to go about our own business free of excessive interference from the police.

I don't frequent pubs, nor do I often be driving late at weekends and/or when pubs are busy. Also I would like to think that I don't drive erratically or either excessively fast or slow. Hence I don't see why the Gardai should waste their time stopping me to see if I have been drinking prior to driving.
Re: Usual rant about the traffic corp

Agree with Ubiquitous, drive a similiar amount each week.
Re: Usual rant about the traffic corp

agree with both above . about 300 a week up until recently and bar the foot and mouth and Bse after that never stopped, but did see plenty of garda cars on the road, odd ( very) time saw the ruc/psni but why should the stop anybody driving sensibly to and from work anyway? pretty obvious from the traffic that the majority of us were commuting anyway.
Re: Usual rant about the traffic corp

It is my fate to have to drive circa 300 miles a week around Dublin ( I must have done something very bad in a previous life ).

This driving happens during normal working hours

Last week ( not unusual ) I was stopped three times - just tax checks.
Traffic corp shame

Over the course of the weekend i drove 350miles - dublin/westport/dublin with a couple of miscellaneous miles for good measure. Now, surely to goodness if i'm to believe what i read in the paper and what they tell me on 6.1 news i would have bumped into a cop somewhere on the way. Not one. Not one single cop on the whole journey. Not even a tax checker/money collector cop. Never mind a breathalizer cop. Nada. And then i hear yet again on the radio this morning of the death of 3 more lives. This Government has blood on its hands. All the money we have and they just let people die over and over again. I realise people have to take responsibilty for themselves but we MUST have a visable Garda presence on the roads. What in Gods name will it take for them to stop this bloodshed. Ask anyone who has lost a loved one what they think of the disgraceful rhetoric and lack of action of this shower. It makes my blood boil and i have a fear everytime someone i know is making a journey.
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Re: Traffic corp shame

This sort of rant is becoming always a regular item on Mondays on AAM. The pattern is always the same: Dub drives down the country for the weekend, covers 300-500-600-800 miles and by Monday morning is shocked/dismayed/angry whatever that there are not enough checkpoints/speed traps on the roads. As if the rest of us, who are unfortunate enough to have to do this rate of mileage (or a multiple thereof) every week of the year, should be subjected to some sort of police state-style regime on the roads, even though the vast majority drive legally, carefully and soberly. It makes my blood boil too...
Re: Traffic corp shame

By the way, I see that you posted the following on 25 September:

Just back from a weeks holidays. Did just short of 600 miles around our fair isle. Caught in the tail of a hurricane. Where would you get it....
Anyway, 600 miles later and only one check point in the whole trip!! And that was just a left hand side cop checking the tax and insurance. Nobody even wanting to see had the elefantfresh been drinking or what have you. Of course, he hadn't but they were not to know. Where is this traffic corp anyway?

Did you not bother to read the replies to your earlier thread or are you running out of things to complain about?
Re: Traffic corp shame

Goodness me, are you actually trivializing this? Of course i read the replies - do you not think the continous deaths on are roads are worth talking about? Do you think i should just not mention it again and let it continue on and on while we just sweep it under the carpet? I could understand your point if i was moaning about the price of a pint every monday but for Gods sakes man people are dying here - how dare you refer to it as "running out of things to complain about" - you have no idea who i am - you don't know have i lost loved ones - you have no idea have other readers lost loved ones - if you want to go and search previous threads to try and find holes in what i feel is a very important issue......i'm just sorry.
Re: Traffic corp shame

That is a common complaint, did the same journey, Wport/dublin/Wport there last weekend, also did Kildare Dublin twice in the same weekend and not a sign, but they must be some where like Ballinaboy!!!
Re: Traffic corp shame

Goodness me, are you actually trivializing this? Of course i read the replies - do you not think the continous deaths on are roads are worth talking about? Do you think i should just not mention it again and let it continue on and on while we just sweep it under the carpet? I could understand your point if i was moaning about the price of a pint every monday but for Gods sakes man people are dying here - how dare you refer to it as "running out of things to complain about" - you have no idea who i am - you don't know have i lost loved ones - you have no idea have other readers lost loved ones - if you want to go and search previous threads to try and find holes in what i feel is a very important issue......i'm just sorry.

Did you happen to travel by backroads (where the vast majority of fatalities occur) or by main roads or motorways (where comparitively few accidents or fatalities occur)?
Since this discussion is essentially the same as one raised last September (as pointed out by ubi) I merging the two threads.

Just back from a weeks holidays. Did just short of 600 miles around our fair isle. Caught in the tail of a hurricane. Where would you get it....
Anyway, 600 miles later and only one check point in the whole trip!! And that was just a left hand side cop checking the tax and insurance. Nobody even wanting to see had the elefantfresh been drinking or what have you. Of course, he hadn't but they were not to know. Where is this traffic corp anyway?
600 miles and one checkpoint-I think that is fair enough. How often do you want them? Once every 20,40, 100, 200 or 300 miles?
Re: Traffic corp shame

A little bit of both - if you know the west then the most "direct route" is often back roads - for South Mayo you can use the main roads as far as Athlone and then back roads for a huge majority of the rest of the journey. And if you knew Mayo you would be aware that the term "main roads" is open to debate. They are in a shocking state.
I agree with the OP. Whatever about the OP's recent trip, but certainly, in the years I have been driving, and recent months since this latest crackdown I have only ever been stopped twice (and that was ages and ages ago) and that was to check my tax.