Using up food in cupboards before hols ...

Henny Penny

Registered User
if, like me you treat going on holidays like a military operation (all the food in the house used up) ... then check out - it's a nifty site that allows you to tick what you have in the house and suggests recipes accordingly.
On my road most people dump the contents of their fridge into their neighbours. I've got to try a few things I'd never have bought otherwise that way! If it's packet or jar stuff then chances are it's not going to go out of date over the course of the holiday.

But that's a good site - I've clicked on a few different things and am getting hungry now!
This thread got me thinking ... how long do you reckon you could survive on the contents of your fridge/freezer/cupboards? I'd say I'd last a few weeks anyway. Not sure about the wife and kid though. Especially if I could mount a stout defence of my supplies.
I hate throwing food into the bin, yet tend to do it quite often. I had a look at that website and its great. Thanks for linking it and I'm certain I'll use it.
I'd survive for ages - I'm a total omnivore. I can picture it now - my wife, apoplectic as the foie gras runs low while I merrily chew on house bricks laced with marmite.
if, like me you treat going on holidays like a military operation (all the food in the house used up) ... then check out - it's a nifty site that allows you to tick what you have in the house and suggests recipes accordingly.
Tried it out and not really that impressed. Ticked lots of boxes based on what is actually in the fridge and cupboards right now and it came up with imaginative recipes like "scrambled egg" or "beans on toast". Hardly need a website to think up such esoteric concoctions for me. It also suggested "noodles with butter and smoked salmon sauce" even though I never told it that I had the latter two ingredients.
how long do you reckon you could survive on the contents of your fridge/freezer/cupboards? I'd say I'd last a few weeks anyway. Not sure about the wife and kid though.
I'd say you'd easily get a couple of months out of the wife anyway.
eileen alana, that's twice you've had me laughing in the last half hour! But I should have clarified, we toss the contents of our fridge in a bag, arrive at the neighbours with selfsame bag and a big smile, and explain how we hate to throw good food out. We don't mention the fact that we didn't do this before pay by weight bin charges came in

And CLUBMAN!!! I'm glad I'm a veggie! Although my husband isn't ...
It's the day after I normally go shopping and a week before I go on holidays, my fridge looks so empty.I need to go shopping but I'll be buying the bare minimum and "getting by" from the freezer for the last couple of days. Don't relish the idea of coming back to a bin full of two week old food.

No neibours I can be "generous" to.
I got a recipe for cheese and bacon salad from the website, a recipe I wouldn't have used. So, that's today's lunch sorted then.
I like that website. Some nice basic recipes that even I can manage

I'm trying to use up the contents of fridge, freezer and cupboards before I move house but Mr G is undermining my efforts by picking up more jars of stuff I'll hever use that were on BOGOF!
I tried it and was given the suggestion of Pork with Peanut Satay sauce. Now while I ticked chicken, salad and lots of other boxes, I have no Pork , no peanuts etc so this came out of left field. Wierd.
Actually if you want to claim a bit of oneupmanship in the organised should consider doing your shopping on line and arranging for delivery at the same time as you arrive home from your holliers!