Using more than one agent to sell a house


Registered User
Hi I have a house for sale with agent for last three months-no sale yet. If I was to get a 2nd agent as well what way does that work if the house sells-ie fees etc. Fyi nothing was signed when first agent put it on the market. I believe the 2nd agent will be more creative in getting a buyer

Any info appreciated
selling agent

When we sold our home a few years ago, I appointed an agent on the understanding that he had the property for 6 weeks, that was in the good old days when sales were completed in a much shorter time.
We also told him we needed a report after each viewing.
After that we would review our position.He showed many clients around the property but the next contact always fell to us, as he never contacted us.

The agent, a small business, also went on holidays one week after getting the sale of the property without telling us. On his return we asked him to meet with us. We outlined our position and and told him we were appointing another agent.

The first agent worked very quickly and completed the sale, of a client that had viewed in the first week, within two weeks.
Hi browtal

I am a bit confused. You didn't actually appoint a second agent? It was the threat which did the job?
We did appoint a second agent and discussed the situation of a shared agent with him and he said the 2 auctioneers would come to some dividing arrangement in the event of his getting a client. We did not question the arrangement. Yes the threat worked.