Would be laughed out of court. Esp in the UK. It simply ain't going to happen. You can scare the timid and weak with well written propaganda but it doesn't change the situation.
Would be laughed out of court. Esp in the UK. It simply ain't going to happen. You can scare the timid and weak with well written propaganda but it doesn't change the situation.
Unless/until a case comes to court, no-one can say with certainty what will happen. There is always one loser in a court case, so there are lots of people who go to court with absolute certainty of their case who then lose.
Can you in all honesty see eflow sending people to the UK to try and collect €3 in a county court? Also with the UK system mediation is now mandatory. A mediator will not allow a claim for the stg equivalent of €3 to go forward when they can't identify the driver. Costs are limited to £30 even if the other guy looses. All that effort for €3 and the most they can get back is £35. It ain't gonna happen.
Can you in all honesty see eflow sending people to the UK to try and collect €3 in a county court? Also with the UK system mediation is now mandatory. A mediator will not allow a claim for the stg equivalent of €3 to go forward when they can't identify the driver. Costs are limited to £30 even if the other guy looses. All that effort for €3 and the most they can get back is £35. It ain't gonna happen.
They don't have to send people to the UK. They engage a UK-based debt collection firm and/or a UK-based solicitor to look after it for them.
You really don't know how a UK mediator will react unless and until a case goes forward. The benefit for eFlow of course isn't the £35 that they would get from that case, but is the hundreds/thousands of additional income that they get from the NI drivers who read about that case.