Using Irish electrical equipment in France


Registered User
Can anyone advise if it is possible to take Irisl electrical equipment to France and use it there. Obviously you would need to change the plugs, and I understand that their TV system is different, but what about items such as kitchen appliances, lamps etc.?
You don't even need to change the plugs - just buy some adaptors. You can get them for about €2.50 each.

Never heard about the T.V. difference - are you sure?

Here's a link:
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Personally I've never had a problem (or even heard of one) with any stuff I've brought over to Europe (France & Germany) - toothbrush, shaver, PDA, Laptop, iron, radio, cd player etc.
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A useful guide to worldwide electrical standards (plugs/sockets, voltages, frequency etc.).

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Thanks for the links. I suspected you could take most electrical stuff to France, I just wasn't sure. Regarding the TV, it seems that the French use a different broadcast standard to that used in Ireland. Your TV will work if you plug it in in France, but the picture may be of poor quality, or only in black and white, because of they use a system called SECAM L while our TVs are set to receive a different standard called PAL 1.
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I don't think that an Irish (PAL) TV will be able to do anything with a SECAM broadcast signal.
we brought all our electrical equipment to france and it's still going strong. Agree about the TV.
are you moving over? good luck, if so.
If your Tv is fairly new it may be able to recieve secam . Check the brochure. You will have to retune the reciever.