Using Electrical Appliances in the US


Registered User
Heading to the US on Sunday and need to bring a couple of electrical appliances.

I think that the voltage in the US is 110 and in Ireland it is twice that.

I have an adapter plug but if I use this I presume the appliance would blow up??

I went to an electrical store today in Cork and asked the guy working there and he suggested a transformer but said it might not work.....well once he said this I thought the 60 euros that he wanted would not be the best investment.

Any ideas much appreciated.
What do you want to use?

Stuff like cameras, MP3 players and even GHDs are fine to use with an adaptor.
If an appliance is rated to need 220v input. 110v in the US will not work.
I dont think it will blow up, but don't try it out with your brand new laptop.

An appliance which needs 110v and gets 220v, now that might create some smoke.

Laptops are usually OK. Most laptops are rated for an input of 110v - 240v.

A 110v to 220v transformer should work, thats what they are designed to do.
Google 110v to 220v step up transformer and look at some of the ones for sale.
tks for the replies, a hairdryer for the missus and an appliance that shaves ur head for me, 2 opposites end of the follicle spectrum:D

Both require 220v input so will look on google for that....tks again
You will be able to pick up replacements for less than the price of a transformer over there, just chuck them in the bin (garbage).

tks for the replies, a hairdryer for the missus and an appliance that shaves ur head for me, 2 opposites end of the follicle spectrum:D

Both require 220v input so will look on google for that....tks again
Second that. Don't even think about bringing a hairdryer. Either buy one over there or borrow one - are you staying in a hotel?

If the head shaver already uses a AC-DC transformer it'll probably be OK, check what it says on the power pack (if there is one).