User accounts and Windows Vista


Registered User
Hope someone can help me. I have just bought a new lap-top. (Great value in Aldi). I am used to using Windows XP. This has Vista. My question is.

How do I (administrater) give access to certain files/programs to each user. I have a number of companies that I do books for and would like to have a user profile for each company.

I am going on site to one of my companies this pm and would like to have it's profile right.

Many thanks you computer nerds.
Many thanks you computer nerds.

RTFM. (Nerd speak).

sorry, harsh.
its your laptop, are you getting everyone to log on as a different user on your laptop? create a different user and restrict access to the docs created to that users user folder. googles your friend on this one
Have you considered 'downgrading' to XP?

(That UAC can be a bit of a nightmare.)
....How do I (administrater) give access to certain files/programs to each user. I have a number of companies that I do books for and would like to have a user profile for each company. ....

Why? Are different people going to be using it?
I'm missing something. This is your lap-top that you will use for your client work - one computer user and a number of different clients / areas of work.

Why not create a folder per client with all related documents enclosed, or is that not the answer you needed?
I have visions of the great Virtual Store fun. AKA crying out loud at loss and corruption of data.
Many thanks (I think:confused:)

The reason I want different user accounts is because I do books for a number of companies and they each have different accountants. Each company's accountant comes on site for the year end. Because they are small companies there is only one pc and the accountant usually ties this up for the day. I thought by having a designated user per company, I could give my lap top to the accountant for the day, knowing that he/she only has access to the company they are working with. Is my thought process ok? or am I missing something.
Hi, I did what your doing and for same reasons. Its straight forward . Hit start icon, settings,control panel (right click to open) go to user "accounts and family safety" and then add/ remove user accounts, Here you set up user accounts and this will give you differant desktops for each company and password for each.
Tut Tut Mathpac, I thought it was self explanatory when I pointed out that

"I have a number of companies that I do books for and would like to have a user profile for each company".

Don't be so hasty with insults.
If you are going to lead with "nerd" I think your in a glass house throwing stones tbh.

Your original comment never mentioned you'd have different users. You siad you were doing books. The assumption had to be your the only user of the laptop. So it made no sense to use multiple profiles.

I would be wary of Vista myself. Especially with user rights and permissions. I've had some issues where I had to mess about with permissions, ownership and alsorts of things to get access to my own files, which I never applied any permissions or access rights to ever. That said setting up different users seems to be the solution you are looking for. Just be wary if you delete one of those users, it will most likey delete all the files associated with it.
actually i picked up on what she wanted in the first posting, and in fairness i would aspire to being a nerd, unfortunatly im only a geek.
Windows 7 is much better. XP like speed. That said I'm still happy with XP. Theres nothing in Vista or Windows 7 that I need, that isn't in XP.