Useful tips/advice keeping a house tidy?


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At the moment my spare room is about to burst because of the amount of stuff that goes in there..all that i would like to have in it is the spare bed,locker and pc. But somehow over the past year it has filled up with junk you might say. however its not the only area of my house thats in need of a total decluttering my kitchen draws are jammed with stuff. I'm at my wits end.

I will start to try and tidy and move over to do something else get distracted and I havent accomplished anything in an hour!!

Does anyone have any tips for me? It doesnt seem to bother himself!

Clothes,shoes,handbags,baby clothes (too small now) xmas pressies cd's,dvd's, empty boxes of items...the list goes on..dont get me started on the attic!!
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In my experience you have to be ruthless/unsentimental when doing a declutter/clear out otherwise you will end up keeping junk that you don't really need.
Came across these 2 websites which might be useful: [broken link removed] & [broken link removed]
Try the amusing:

Don't forget charity shops and for items that are in good condition. I have a permanent shopping bag in the corner of the room for charity shop stuff and I take a trip there every few months.
Charity shops and second hand stores are great fro getting rid of unwanted gifts and other clutter, provided the stuff you're getting rid of is in good condition and "saleable". As ClubMan suggests sentimentality can get in the way of doing a good clean-out so ask yourself: "do I really want/ need this?".
I heard somewhere that there are three questiona to ask yourself when deciding to keep/get rid. Anyone know they are? something about "when did I use/wear last?" was one of them
we bit the bullet and got a little skip.. keep a day free and its amazing the amount you'l get rid of..we went through the attic and all the presses.. i remeber trying to remember what the three questions were..i just went along the lines of 1. have i used this in the last year. Will i realistically ever use it again!
Best approach here is to stop talking/writing about it and just do it. Works for me anyway.
Some useful tips that I have encountered and try (not always successfully!) to use:
- If you haven't worn an item of clothing in the last 12 months, you are unlikely to do so any time soon, so drop it into a clothes bank or charity shop.
- Whenever you buy a new item of clothing, recycle/give away one old item of clothing.

The same rules could be applied to any category of item, obviously, not just clothing.
I used to do the same. Pull out stuff from the wardrobe once in 3 months. But the problem is I will put them in a bag to take it to the charity shop and the bag will be there lying in the corner for months.

So nowadays, when I clean up, I keep all the bags in the stairs, which means I cannot go up or down without gettng rid of them. Sometimes it will go straight into the car's back seat - Not in the boot ! - so that you remember to get rid of it every time you get in the car.
And if you just need some inspiration to get going or an excuse to put off for half hour just watch Kim and Augie on 'how clean is your house'. Always sets me off cleaning.