Used car VRT procedure



What is the actual procedure for VRT? Is there a list of offices that you can pick one from? How quick can it be done?
There's a pretty comprehensive guide on if you do a search. Only brought a car back a month ago and couldn't believe how easy it was. Would sell the car and do it all again tomorrow it was that simple.
I'm not sure I understand your question but I'll give it a shot.

Ok so you buy your car from the north and bring in down here, you're meant to re-register the car within 24 hours on being down here. People usually do it after about six months or so!!!

You bring the car to your local VRO ( Vehicle registration office) and they'll register it for you. It has to be the legal owner of the car that registers it. You have to have all your documentation in order, i.e. proof of ownership etc..., also a form of identification and I assume you need proof of CO2 emissions now....? Not sure on the last one but Revenue did say that if an individual did not have proof of CO2 then the vehicle would be taxed at the highest level. I'm not sure if they are imposing that though.

It's a pretty simply procedure. Just make sure you take any extra's that you can off the car before you bring it in!!
Where would I find a list of VRO offices. ??
I take it they have nothing to do with motor tax office. If I am buying from a UK dealership will I have immediate documentation to do it on return or will I have to wait to receive certs by post etc?
Would presume the list of VROs are on When you collect the car make sure you have the V5 form. When you come back you must take the car to the VRO by the end of the next working day to pay the VRT. They will give you a licence plate number there and then and you will get new registration documents by the end of the week.
So I guess you take your number and go buy a plate at any Auto shop.

thanks for replys
Yep it's that simple. They never even looked at my car and the whole process took about ten mins. I don't know how the new vrt rtes work but I think they're factored into the website now. You'll need a bank draft for the VRO for roughly how much the VRT is. When are you buying and what are you getting?
Can you pay by cheque or laser Nicky? What office did you use?
Thanks again
I think you can pay by cheque, it's definitely on the website. I used the Waterford VRO.
Ceatherlach-I imagine the Carlow town office might be of some use to you? There's a tiny little gateway into the back yard from Staplestown Rd-the back door is the best entrance-door bell beside it. I VRT'd a car there and they were lovely to me-didn't get too hung up on anything!!

I live in Celbridge but work in Tallaght so finding the time to travel to Naas to go through the VRT process after I import a 2nd hand ar this weekend is going to be difficult.

Can anyone tell me if I can register the car at the Tallaght office and pay duty etc... there
Remember though that, for makes including Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Lexus (maybe others, I'm sure fellow posters will oblige), the VRO will request the chassis number so that they can do a check for extras on the car (on which you pay VRT on the Irish price, natch). I think you get a cert. for the Garda in these circumstances. So there may be a delay in getting the exact VRT amount you have to pay in that case.

If a car is fitted with a pack - e.g. communications pack - which was often fitted at a discounted price in the UK then you will pay VRT on the Irish pack price or, if there is no equivalent, on the separate options at the retail price.

I'm sure somebody on here got caught by this a while back.

How would you go about it with a car that Ford do not sell in Ireland. I will be bringing over a 2l petrol Cmax Titanium and For d only sell a 1.8 in Ireland?
Finally got someone in a VRO to take my call!!!
I can infact go to the Tallaght office and pay the vrt even though I live in Kildare. The one thing they wont do is tax it there for me too. In relation to yout response SSE-the car I am getting is a Citroen Xara Picasso-a decent spec but no fancy stuff. He did explain to me that if on inspection it appeared to have 'fancy additions' that a list of them would be sent to Rosslare (not sure what office dals with it there) and that they would then declare the cost of VRT.

Thanks for your help
Great - will this mean it'll be an 08-D-xxx and not 08-KE-xxx I wonder?

"Fancy additions"? - best take the dice off the mirror then.

My thoughts exactly SSE!!!!!LOL

Not sure about the 07-KE versus 07-D
Just had this conversation with my other half too. That remains to be seen. Will post again once the transaction is complete.
If you go on to the Revenue web site and enter the details of the C-Max your bringing in you will find a 2L petrol version on it.

I brought in a BMW last year and there was no questions about extras added on. They can ask to inspect the car though before they will give you a VRT rate. Try to have the Co2 figures for the car in case the Revenue don't have them. On the web site they have a 999g/Km Co2 rate that comes up if they dont have the figures and this will give a much dearer rate than what you should be paying. The guy that I dealt with in the revenue office only checked the web site for the rate and charged me that.
Done that, 2.0l titanium Cmax not on their system, they don't have the Cmax on there at all.

This is a different model to what they have as the Focus CMax