used car



Looking for advice on a used car i want to buy in the region of 2000e to 4000e.want something with a small engine but roomy enough inside(boyfriend is 6ft 3in!).dealer or private? Anyone know any good dealers in the midlands area?
Also how is it with learner drivers now? Would guards be really strict? Should i apply for my driving test staightaway or could i can drive on a learners permit if so for how long?
any advice greatly appreciated as im new to this.
I would just get a small car with a sunroof for yor b/fs head to stick out...........sorry..... I`ll get my coat..hehe.
Also how is it with learner drivers now? Would guards be really strict? Should i apply for my driving test staightaway or could i can drive on a learners permit if so for how long?
What do you mean by your questions? Are you asking if its OK to breach the conditions of your learner's permit, or are you asking about the possibility of being caught and prosecuted?
Yea i mean of being caught with "L" plates what would happen?
zoe 26 - I don't think any one actually knows, you probadly get points on your licence or a fine.
There was an article about this in the Times today.

From what I remember, learner drivers will not be allowed to drive unaccompanied after 30th June. After that they will have to be accompanied by somebody who holds their licence for over two years.

First offence is punishable with a fine of €1k and €2k for a second offence.

How much this is enforced??? When this controversy first broke, I seem to remember talk of the Gardai taking a "sensible" approach to enforcing it.

Incidentally, I bought a 98D 1.4 Polo, with 50K miles on it last Sept for €2950. Had to change the timing belt for a couple of hundred but that's it so far.