Use of the @ "at sign" when addressing people on message boards


Ive noticed a small number of posters use the @ "at sign" before a poster's name when addressing them. eg @ClubMan when addressing Clubman.

Is this a convention or perhaps its a throwback to some earlier systems?

hmmm, i'm sure it is just when you are focusing your reply at a specific person. and it is put there manually.
I've never noticed that convention used habitually on any discussion forum that I have used over the years.
You use other discussion fora as well :eek:? With your constant oversight here, where do you get the time :confused:. And before you say it I did notice you said "over the years". :)
Usually meens for the "@ttention" of or to "@ction" if in a list of action points.. Thats my take on it..
It has become more popular on boards / forums since Facbook inroduced the @ tagging funtion.

On FB you put the @ symbol in front of a friends name which in turn tags them / notifies them in your post.
Thanks for that Manto - relatively new to Facebook and hadn't twigged it.

I think there is an automatic function now which highlights the persons full name as you type it.
I have seen the @ sign used in team emails when asigning work or comments to specific people

i.e. you are talking to many people but this comment is you are talking to one person like you would in a team meeting

I have seen this used well before twitter and facebook existed