USA Visa Waiver green slip


Registered User

The USA Visa Waiver green slip is still in my passport. I believe this means the government have no record of me leaving the states & thus will not let me back in. What can I do to have this QUICKLY rectified?

Here ya go, you just need to mail it to the States with proof you left.

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I still have one in my passport also but have been twice to the US since that visit and nothing was ever said so I'm not sure how effective it is.
Me too. Just back and the green waiver from my last visit was still stapled to my passport. Still is, they just took the new one. I doubt you will have a problem.
The same thing happenend to me with regrads to still retaining the green slip

I then was going to New York from Shannon a year later.
When I was going through pre-clearance immigration in Shannon I kid you not the guy said to me that as far as he was concerned I never left America.
I got read the riot act and told it was my responsibility to get it back to the government and if I did it again he would have to seriously consider my next stay!

My advice, don't take the chance
I do love the Homeland Security guys in Shannon

Post it back as mentioned before.
Important that you get this resolved asap. Have a read of this.
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Indeed, Get this resolved ASAP. Secondary inspection i.e. the back office is not fun.