USA Nintendo Wii


Registered User
Friend has managed to get a Nintendo Wii in the US and we are wondering how sucessfully he can use it here ?

Compatible with the TV ie NTSC vs PAL ?
Power to the console itself, does he needs a simple travel converter for the plug or must he get a step down transformer.
Power to the console itself, does he needs a simple travel converter for the plug or must he get a step down transformer.
If the device or power supply is rated 110-240V then a plug adaptor will suffice. If it is rated c. 110V only then a step down transformer or alternative power supply is required.
Also, I'm not sure about the answer to this but is the Nintendo region free? Or will you be stuck only playing games at are also from the USA?

If anyone has the answer I'd love to know and take advantage of the exchange rate when I'm in Canada over the holidays and stock up on Nintendo Wii games!

There seems to be a lot of confusion about this, but it seems that the wii is definitely region locked. So you would have to buy US games or get it chipped/hacked to play european releases (not recommended as you would lose your warranty).

[broken link removed]
Hi I am heading off to NY and was going to a buy a WII ( Santa Shopping). However based on this thread the WII are region locked - does anyone know if this is still the case?.
Hi I am heading off to NY and was going to a buy a WII ( Santa Shopping). However based on this thread the WII are region locked - does anyone know if this is still the case?.

Yes Wii is region locked but you can get a Freeloader that will allow you to play import games.
Yes Wii is region locked but you can get a Freeloader that will allow you to play import games.

Hi tallpaul, can you explain what a freeloader is, how does one get it?

Glad I found this thread as I was going to start one on the same theme. Was investigating a US purchase as $250 (approx €185) beats the heck out of the €325 we are being mugged for Nintendo Wii here! Unfortunately I think the US Wii is not region free and therefore there will be problems with games not bought in the US.

Just about the voltage issue, as with all gaming / computer equipment, when investing in a stepdown transformer, beware the cheaper options. They are only good for hairdryers! Spend the money on a good transformer (and read the small print instructions - ask for advice)as there is nothing worse than an electrical component brought by Santa, which has curiously melted by Stephens Day! Been there and it wasn't pretty.
Hi tallpaul, can you explain what a freeloader is, how does one get it?

Have a look here. Basically you insert the Freeloader disc into your Wii, wait for the software to load, eject the disc and insert your US or Japanese Wii game disc and it will run as normal.

You will need a TV that plays at 60hz (which is all TV's now) unless you are using a very old set. In addition, if you buy or have a US Wii, you have to buy a version of Freeloader for that region to allow it to play European games.

Basically, if I was buying a Wii again, I would get a US one and just import the games from there also and not bother with European ones at all...
Tallpaul, Is this still the case with the US Nintendo Wii. Heading to the states shortly and was going to get one. What site would you use to buy USA Wii games.
Tallpaul, Is this still the case with the US Nintendo Wii. Heading to the states shortly and was going to get one. What site would you use to buy USA Wii games.

I don't know if Freeloader still works with newer Wii's as they would have more recent firmware installed.

However if you are still thinking of getting a US Wii, I would strongly recommend

They are excellent, cheap and have very quick shipping.
[broken link removed] had over 100 in stock when I bought one earlier this morning - Wii console plus remote plus controller was 239 euro plus 12.5 euro postage. Argos are 239 euro for the same package.