US sub-prime mortgage market collapse

Anecdotally, I think AIB have been one of the more responsible banks, relatively speaking.
Anecdotally, I think AIB have been one of the more responsible banks, relatively speaking.

Probably but with the gloom and doom that seems to be around these days, you would still expect to see something on their books considering the amount of second mortgages, equity releases etc. Announcing over €2bn in profits the other week would have been the perfect time to start provisioning for the bad times ahead but it didn't happen. I think I read that BOI are actually writing back loan loss provisions because they don't need them. Not saying that the Irish residential market isn't facing problems and I agree that there has to have been some irresponsible lending over the past few years and people are probably struggling but the main banks loan books seem to be standing up so far. Of course, we probably haven't seen the worst of it yet as unemployment is still low.