US Stock Market


Registered User
Hi All,

I hope this is the correct section for this but here goes anyway. I recently have been let go but with a decent severance package. My husbands job is secure and we are doing ok at the moment.

So now im considering what to do with my time and this package and how to best make it grow and have finaly decided to invest in the US stock market directly. I understand how to do this and how to read stocks and also know how to purchase with little cost.

Just wondering has anyone experience of doing this.

I'm not sure exactly what you want to know. Try asking specific questions.

One thing that many people overlook when investing in the US market is the currency risk. 'Experts' say that the dollar will get substantially weaker against the Euro in the coming years because of the amount of money the FED is printing. To be honest know one really knows where the dollar is heading .... but to hedge your bets, I wouldn't send all the money in the one go and probably choose a time when the dollar is weak (i.e. €1= >$1.50).

If the exchange rate goes against you (when you go to bring home your cash), it can seriously erode any gains you made on the stocks themselves.
Thanks for the reply, I suppose really I wanted to know about platforms and what traders are using today. I settled on L-Speed and finding my way around it now. Also wanted to know latest on the routing of orders ie "EDGX". I have not traded for some years and feel things have moved on so much that I'm a little worried I have overlooked something in my trades.

Not too worried about the currency difference.