US citizen , born in Italy looking to marry in Ireland


Registered User

My friend has an unusual issue she is looking for advice on ..

My Friend is an american citizen living here for the past 7 years .
She wants to marry here but is having a few issue's . She was married and divorced in the US previously . She has all the divorces papers etc but a birth certificate with an Apostille stamp is also required .

This is proving rather difficult as
Her father was in the US army .
She was born in Vincenzia italy and has an italian birth certificate ( which had been translated into english, Ireland doesn't require apostle for Italian birth certificates ) but as she is presenting her self as a US citizen and previous marriage and divorce were in the US registry office is looking for an American birth certificate with an Apostille stamp .

The form she has from the US is more of a registration of birth rather then birth certificate .
As she was not born in the US she cannot order a Birth certificate from there .
Rang & email the US embassy in Dublin who were of no help .

Registry office is insisting she get this before proceeding with wedding .

Any body have any suggestions

Thanks in advance
I don't know anything about this to help you, but I thought it really is bad that the US embassy didn't want to know about and help an American Citizen. As the woman was not born in the USA ( a la Bruce Springsteen ) how can she have an American Birth Cert? Surely she can only have an Italian Birth Cert? Surely the Registry Office can comprehend an American citizen born in Italy.
The registry office do not recognise her italian birth certificate as she is an American citizen . They are adamant that she must have an american both cert .

She has emailed the embassy again and they said they cannot help .

She is felling quite helpless as you can imagine ....
This is Ireland and as we say...get in contact with the local TD(s). They may be able to help, worth a shot I guess?

From memory having worked with US military early seventies (including a year at Vicenza)........

If lady was born to US military serving at the base in Vicenza then she should have a copy of the document known as Certificate of Report of Birth Abroad (form FS -240). There is also another form known as DS-`1350 , but if memory serves me right it is the former form that her Dad should have obtained from the local US consul.

If both parents were US citizens then this would have been done automatically by US base authorities. Tens of thousands of kids were born to US military in Europe since WW2 and these forms were almost automatically issued.
If the mother was Italian I still think it would have been but am less sure.

If copy of what this, which is effectively a US birth cert for kids born abroad to US citizens, has been lost then ,with proof - passport etc, you can obtain another copy from the State dept . US Embassy should help with address and application process-and indeed everything about getting a new FS-240.

Mind you , this is all nonsense -the Register Office here should accept an E.U. birth cert and it's crazy they don't.
Actually, can the lady easily get an Italian passport ? Might make things easier...
Thanks Suzie .

Old Nick,
Thank you for the reply
She does have two forms her parents sent over One is from the US Army base and one is from the US consul in Milan. They may be the forms you refer to above the issue is though they are still not good enough for the Registry office as they do not have the Apostille stamp .
I do agree though it does seem a lot of nonsense ...