Urgent re ABS warning lamp


Registered User
Hi, I was coming home form work this evening and as I was driving up a little hill the car started spinning, resulting in the ABS kicking in. The warning light failed to go off and it is now on with the brake light lighting also.

Have I wrecked something? Can I reset it myself and if so how? Do I need to do any checks or is it a main dealer visit.

The manual says take it immediately to an authorized main dealer, but I am in a quandry as I have an airport run tomorrow. Thanks in advance for any help you can give,
Probablly an ABS sensor gone astray This will disable the ABS but more than likley the brakes will work as normal just no ABS.

Mind you saying that it is the brakes so be careful.

First try the car again this evening to see if the light has cleared.

You don't need to go to the main dealer, any good mechanic should be able to sort this.
As Frank says check if it's reset itself first.

I didn't know this until recently but be aware that the brakes will not work as usual if the ABS is inoperative. Prior to the introduction of ABS brakes were set with a strong bias to the front to ensure that the front brakes locked first and the car remained some way controllable. Modern cars have a much-reduced bias and rely on the ABS to prevent the rear wheels locking.

You didn't mention which car you're driving. If it is a BMW there is another thread about a lot of BMWs having a faulty ABS/DTC controller which is replaced by a dealer.
Ooops. sorry, I forgot to put in that it is an audi a6 1.9 diesel. Thanks for all the posts. It cleared the warning without any further input/checks. When I went back to drive the next day all was okay.

Thanks again for all the replies.