Urgent question for experienced dog owners...?



Hi All,

We have a seven month old Cavalier KC Spaniel and she was spayed on Wednesday....She's recovered very well, eating and drinking perfectly and in great form. We've been trying to keep her as calm as possible but it's tough with a very playful and active puppy. Anyway, about an hour ago she got something sharp in her mouth from the back garden and when I lifted her and tried to get it out a splash of watery blood came out from the bottom of her stitches.....I'm a bit freaked out to be honest and don't know what to do...I rang the vets number but there is no answer. I've wiped her tummy and there's only a small trace of blood and she seems in great form (not in pain or anything) my wife says she's fine but I would love to hear from someone who has more experience of these sort of things....She (the dog that is) has just gone to bed and I keep checking her and am trying to avoid telling the kids anything about the incident for the moment....

Help ?

Well I can sort of answer - from a cat owner's perspective.

Same operation and similar thing happened - TBH I did nothing about it because like you, our guy seemed perfectly happy. Told the VET weeks later and he didn't seem concerned or surprised.

When you say 'watery' what do you mean? what I experienced was more sticky but translucent - certainly not all blood. From memory the VET mumbled something about 'bit of an infection' and 'clotting'.

My guess would be that unless your dog seems in pain, uncomfortable or behaving a little strangely, I wouldn't be too worried. Usually they aren't long in telling you they have a problem.

But no harm in giving the VET a quick ring in the morning
When you say 'watery' what do you mean?

Well, not real red and sort of viscose like normal blood....Like as if you mixed water with blood...If that makes sense..?

She's asleep now and I've checked her three times since I posted this and there is no 'leakage' so I'm slightly more relaxed now. I will give the vet a quick buzz in the morning just to be sure though !


I think our would apply here. You can't really expect to get sensible advice through describing such problems in an online forum. Does not vet not provide an emergency service?

If it were me, I'd already be in the Animal hospital. However, I don't know what part of the country you are in, so it may not be feasable.

Until you can get the dog to the vets, perhaps you should put back on the lampshade thing you got at the time of the operation, just to stop it being at the wound and making it worse. Also, if you have any antiseptic ointment that you would have also got at the time, still left, you could put this on it also, just to keep it from getting infected until such time as your vet is back to work on Monday.

Hope it works out ok.