Urgent planning query: objector has passed away; any impact?


Registered User
We have applied for planning permission to extend our house, closing date for objections is this Friday. There's one objection at present from our neighbour who sadly has passed away since he submitted his objection......and no we didn't kill him!! He was living on his own and has no close family so we're assuming the house will go on the market

My question, should we submit a letter to the planning office informing them that the objector has passed away or leave well alone. Very unusual circumstance I know.
Re: Urgent planning query

There's no harm in phoning the planning department and just asking what will happen now.
Re: Urgent planning query

Personally, I wouldn't bother. The obervation is already made, there's rarely if ever any contact between the council and anyone making objections (apart from the fact they'll be informed in writing whether or not the planning application is sucessful or not). I can't see how it changes anything.
Re: Urgent planning query

IF you think that objection is likely to have a bearing on the application, could you withdraw your application and apply again? Of course thats running with the belief that someone connected with the original objector wouldnt be likely to object?
Whatever points your neighbour raised in their submission/observation will already have been seen by the planner assessing your case. It will not make any difference if they are removed from the file now.

The real issue with someone who has made an objection/submission is the fact that they have reserved the right to appeal the decision of the council to An Bord Pleanala - thus delaying a final decision for a considerable amount of time.

This risk has obviously been removed in your case - so i would not be too concerned.