Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!


Registered User

need advice urgently, the drive upon which I keep all my work F is not recognised.


PC started ok this morning, but hung before lunch not allowing a CTRL ALT DEL to restart so had to manually shut down.

Upon reopening when I clicked on F Drive a dialog box with "Disk not Formatted" do you want to format now? Yes or No. Appeared.

Given that all my work (no I dont have a back up:mad: ) is on this drive I am very very worried that I have lost everything.

Does anyone have any solutions please.

thanks in advance :eek:
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Re: Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!!!

F:Drive. Is this a portable storage unit?
Re: Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!!!

Stand alone home PC just used the F drive rather than C.
Re: Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!!!

Firstly, Did you format the drive?
Did you check event viewer to see what happened?
Re: Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!!!

I'm guessing you cannot even get as far as event viewer to look at it. It sounds as if your harddrive is &^%$£" politely. I would purchase a new one install my OS and then piggyback the old one onto it to see if it works. I think this is a fairly easy and not too expensive option to start with.

Good luck with it.
Re: Urgent help please - Drive not recognised all work missing!!!

But your machine starts ok - its only in Windows Explorer that you are unable to access your F: - Is this correct?

What is the F: normally? A removable drive? a networked machine? a zip drive?
If your data is important enough and you can afford it I would highly recommend VirtualLab by BinaryBiz for recovery. I tried several freeware apps but every one of them had shortcomings. VirtualLab will lay out everything as in the previous folder structure and you can select what to recover. I have no connection other than as a customer.

Just do not press yes to format the hard drive beforehand and you should be ok! Also if the hard drive is under warranty, get it replaced!

Thanks for all the replies, all programs gave up the ghost, so have brought machine with me to workplace to see if they can retireve information. Fingers crossed they can find everything.
The PC might have reset and lost the drive settings. Is in an old PC and and old drive where the settings are not autoset in the bios. Is your system time correct?

Putting the drive in an external enclosure or mounting it as a slave drive on another PC is the route I'd go first.

if this fails work out much the data is worth before looking for data recovery. Because it is very expensive.
Things like this used to happen to me on windows xp. I thing it was an xp bug. Doesent happen with the latest versions.
Did you try reassigning a letter via the disk management facility (accessed thru my computer)

I've used rstudio before with fair success for retrieving from corrupted disks. I think its about 50 dollars.
it may be possible to retreive the information on the drive by installing paragon hard disk manager this is sometimes given on computer mag disc as trail or even a full older version (in the hope you will upgrade to the newer version at a cost) then create the recovery cd .power down your computer the boot from this cd you may need to enter the bios to do this consult your manual .this will give you acess to all disks on the computer so if it is windows that is at fault you should be able to recover all your files alternatively you could try to repair windows with the installion disk if you have it but you will have to probaly download all the updates again
Things like this used to happen to me on windows xp. I thing it was an xp bug. Doesent happen with the latest versions.
Without more supporting evidence I would be slow to start pointing the finger at XP itself.
Update so far. IT guys here in work thankfully have been successful in locating data that was lost but it took them since last Wednesday to do so. Cant give the reason as to what went wrong but it took retreival software and some to locate the drive and only now are they managing to copy over the data.

Thanks to all who offered advice, it really is appreciated. Just need to get a new PC now I think and so far am having great fun with Dell!!!:rolleyes:
Yes BACKUP, it is going to be a regular feature from here on in.

Thanks guys