Urgent help needed with boards.ie posting



Does anyone know how I can fix my boards.ie posting.. even when i am logged in I cannot post.
I get this error message::
littlegubby, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation

I have registered and posted before. is there anyone who know an email address i can query this.

Title edited by sueellen for clarity
Is littlegubby your boards.ie username. Searching boards.ie with your exact username doesn't turn up any posts. Did you post anything libellous???? - maybe the mods over there cancelled your account?

Searching Google with your username turns up EzCode Parsing Error:=www.google.ie/search?q=littlegubby&hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:eek: fficial&start=10&sa=N">this[ - there's no mention of boards.ie. Did you actually register?

Just my 2cent
when i go into the boards site i am logged in.. username is littlegubby but when i posted in the past it was as just gubby.
I can see every post.. but cant reply.. ahhhh
sure i didnt do anything wrong.. wouldnt hurt a fly
its buggin me thought

log out
[broken link removed]

then login as gubby

Weird...Unlike jdwexford, when I search boards.ie for littlegubby, I get nothing...

Sometimes they really are out to get you!!
she has no posts as littlegubby (there are posts as guppy).
I added littleguppy to my buddy list, and that returned her profile.
sorry jd was that a typo? cos its littlegubby or/and gubby
thanks for you help though.
I think i might have something to do with my security??? maybe. my norton security is turned off.. and i cant get it back on. dont know what the hell to do
you have not posted on boards as littlegubby
you have posted as gubby.
did you try and log out and log back in again- (as gubby)

are you sure you replied to the confirmation email when you registered littleguppy? that may be why you can't post?
You may have been banned by the mods accidentally.
This happened to me twice (mistaken identity) and an E-mail to the mods got it fixed.