Urgent: Can`t start car!


Registered User
Have an Opel Astra. Left it in a car park today and on my return just couldn`t get the car started. The key just won`t budge in the ignition. Have tried the second key too but it won`t turn either so it seems there may be some fault with the ignition. Or maybe the immobilizer has kicked in?

Would appreciate any help with this.

ring your insurance company first thing tomorrow as most people have breakdown asst on there policy were it will be towed free of charge to your garage
Not sure if this is too obvious but has the steering lock engaged? You'll know if the steering wheel won't move much. If so you need to turn the steering wheel a little while turning the ignition key and this should release it.
didyou try turning the steering wheel quickly and at the same time try and turn the key if that doesnt work you will probably have to replace your igniction barrell asthe little brass have collasped inside
Thanks for your very prompt replies folks. Got back to the car park to clear out valuables for the expected overnight stay. But tried starting the car again, and after much wrangling around with the key in the ignition managed to get it started.

So at least the car is home now. But the car is still sticking in the ignition so it seems that the problem is with the ignition- can`t get it started this morning. I know about the steering wheel lock-it`s nothing to do with that. And I will check the insurance policy today.

Not so panic striken now that I have it home as garage will sort it out after this when I get the car there! Thanks Zooman and Crunchie for all your help. Will post back when I find out what exactly the problem was.