Urgent advice reqd re bank seeking mortgage shortfall



Hello all. I am in a bit of a dilemma and would appreciate some advice.

I moved to Scotland from Ireland 3 years ago. I had separated from my wife and entered into a legal separation which required me to pay her a sum of money. In attempting to do so i entered into serious financial difficulties resulting in me entering into a trust deed in Scotland in September 2010.

When i entered the trust deed it was clarified to me by the reputable Scottish company that all of my creditors (in Ireland) were bound by the trust deed.

One of my main creditors was ICS for a property i owned in Ireland. On this property my dad was a guarantor.

My dad passed away in December 2009. The following February (2010) i emailed ICS with my dads death cert asking for his name to be removed from the mortgage account. This was confirmed by ICS by email. All of my dads estate was left to my mother and she has since had everything transferred into her sole name.

During that period, despite my financial difficulties i maintained mortgage payments until summer 2010 when i entered the trust deed, upon which time i ceased mortgage payments on the understanding i would lose the house. I subsequently handed the keys of the property back to ICS. I knew that there would be a large shortfall in the value of the property, hence their inclusion in the trust deed.

On Friday last, my former solicitor in Ireland emailed me explaining that ICS had contacted him stating that they will be seeking payment for any shortfall on the property from my dads estate.

My mother is retiring next month and handled the death of my dad very badly. I dont want to worry her to much and therefore am looking for any advice on the above problem.
Are ICS not bound by my Scottish Trust Deed as advised by my deed holders?
Can they seek payment from my dads estate even if it is now in my mothers name? Will the removal of his name from the mortgage account hold any sway?
Please help - im desperate!
I would suggest that you should proper legal advice from an Irish solicitor who is familiar with Scottish law and the particular type of deed that you signed. i would expect that the key to this if ICS was informed of your actions and did they agree to it

Thanks for the post.
I took advice prior to entering the Trust Deed. All creditors had a 5 week objection period prior to enforcement, after which all creditors are tied into it... in the case that their are no objections (which was the case).

Any thoughts on what this may mean for my mother??
Yes, but that was in Scotland, a different jurisdiction and while there is EU rules concerning the recognition of foreign bankruptcy I don't know if it applies in your situation. Like I said you need to seek proper legal advise.
Thanks for all the comments. This evening i contacted the executor of the estate. Potentially some good news in that all of the estate had been in the names of both my parents and therefore there was no need to have a probate on executing the will. They dont believe ICS can expect anything from the estate. Here's hoping....