Urgent advice re Solicitor



I need some urgent guidance about possible avenues open regarding dissatisfaction over my solicitor’s conduct and fees.

My solicitor began administration procedures on my home in 2002 and only completed the process in 2008. There have been some complications due to family deaths in 2003 and early 2004 but it has still taken four years after that to complete the process.

I also have issue regarding the fees being charged. At no point was I provided with a written estimate or quotation despite numerous requests. The answers I received were always ‘a couple of thousand’ or ‘we’ll look after you’. I was also led to believe that my bill would be calculated on the value of my home but have since been told that that was not the case and have subsequently being provided with a bill of just under 6,000 euro.

My position is further complicated by the fact that the solicitor dealing with my case has sold his practice to another solicitor who has since sent me a stinging letter threatening legal proceedings for the bill.

[FONT=&quot]I’m unsure how next to proceed or what I can do. Feel a complete no mark in all this as I have no legal knowledge and fear I'll just be railroaded by legal eagles. [/FONT]

It's pretty simple really. If you are unhappy for any reason, call the solicitor and ask for a meeting. Explain why you are unhappy. Allow the solicitor to respond. If you are still unhappy with the solicitor's explanation and feel genuinely aggrieved, then contact the Law Society. There is a formal complaints procedure. Look up www.lawsociety.ie for more information.
