upkeep of family home



I walked out of family home a yr and a half ago. Since then my exhusband has also moved out and is living with new partner. One of my children also moved out. My son who is 19 lives there alone now. I visit regularly and have noticed the house getting in very bad condition with a lot of maintenance needed. I have asked my exhusband many times if he will make the improvements as he is a handyman. He also works full time and has not much free time-I acknowlege this. However I think the house is losing value the longer it is not maintained. Can I get work done on the house and force him to pay for it or half of the cost at least as it is in both our interest that house remains saleable for the future.
To be honest, I think you're asking the wrong question. I'm not sure it makes sense to leave a 19-year-old on their own in a house. Perhaps you should be thinking about selling the house, and either steering the 19-year-old into a house-sharing situation, or getting him/her back to live with either parent.