Upgrading to Vista - Zyxel USB LAN Modem problem


Registered User
Hi there,

I'm thinking of upgrading my home PC to to Vista. I went to the vista page and installed the "Windows Vista Upgrade Advisor".

On the report it produced, it said that I should purchase "Windows Vista Business" and it also said about my Zyxel USB LAN Modem (I have BB with BT) "There is no compatibility data available for this device. For more information, go to the device manufacturer's website or Windows Marketplace, or contact your retailer."

It also said that I shoud remove Sonic DLA before installing Vista.

Has anybody had to deal with something similar? If so, what did you do?
See my previous post "Is my problem a vista problem". Had to delete Sonic Roxio as was causing probs. McAfee acting the "divil" too so I deleted that too and installed free software from AVG as recommended by AAM posters. Still having problems with system jamming but sure if I delete enough from the system it eventually will work!!!!! As you can see from the foregoing I am a complete computer wizz!!!!!
Thanks goldilocks.

I'm more concerned about my modem though. I'd hate to install Vista only to find I couldn't connect to the net.