Upgrading Central heating Stats in Parents House



I have noticed that the Heating Control Stats in my parents place are very slow to respond they are analog stat manufacture 'IMIT', the problem is the house gets way colder than they whats its set on the dial before heating cuts in and also it gets way too warm before it shuts off! I'm wondering is it possible to replace the stats with more accurate digital stats? the house has 2 zones up/down stairs.
any help appreciated
The reason they are very slow to resond is because they probably do not have an anticipator installed within them. Without this, they have a 6C +/- reaction time. You will need to replace with a new thermostat with an anticipator built in, however, you must have a neutral (blue) cable to the stat for this to work. The installation may not have this, and if not, you will have to run a neutral to it. Once done, it will react happily as expected.
Just poped off cover of stat and we have 2 X Brown & 1 yellow green! House was constructed in 2005 Just wondering why the original plumber/spark did not run the neutral cable? Are stats with anticipators that much more expensive? Or is there some other negative, for the installation of the anticipator.
I am afraid this is what is pretty much standard in Ireland. Your existing thermostat may well have an anticipator built in but just not wired to use it. On the inside of the stat, it should have a wiring diagram and if it has one, it will be shown by a jagged line. If not, then you will need to replace it. You will also need to pick up a neutral and wire to it. It should not be that difficult a task.
Stats with anticipators are not more expensive. They will also usually have a light that illuminates when calling for heat.
There is absolutely no negatives in installing a stat with an anticipator. They are much more accurate than ones without them.