We need to update our will as our children are no longer minors. In fact, we should have updated it before as they are now 23 and 29.
Everything will be left equally between them.
Should we name one or both of them as executors or should we name a trusted nephew to be executor? You hear of so many fallings out over wills that I'm wondering if an independent executor would be better? Is Power of Attorney a completely separate role to an executor? I'm assuming it is. Should we name one of our children as Power of Attorney or can/should they both do it?
I understand from asking here before that we can go to a solicitor, draw up the will, pay for the service and then take the will with us. We do not need to leave it with the solicitor. Is this still the case?
Thank you.
We need to update our will as our children are no longer minors. In fact, we should have updated it before as they are now 23 and 29.
Everything will be left equally between them.
Should we name one or both of them as executors or should we name a trusted nephew to be executor? You hear of so many fallings out over wills that I'm wondering if an independent executor would be better? Is Power of Attorney a completely separate role to an executor? I'm assuming it is. Should we name one of our children as Power of Attorney or can/should they both do it?
I understand from asking here before that we can go to a solicitor, draw up the will, pay for the service and then take the will with us. We do not need to leave it with the solicitor. Is this still the case?
Thank you.