Updating Spyware & Anti Virus on Dial Up


Registered User
Parents have Dial up connection and its very slooooowwww

They don't want BB as they don't use it that much.........mainly for email

Anyway I d/l the MS antispyware using my pc which has b/b and installed it on their pc however to get updates on a dial up does it take forever ?

Also trying to get something similar re Anti Virus ?

Same problem again does it take forever to update on Dial up and is AVG the best free
AV software ?

Also with these installed does the PC get any slower

Not sure of the spec but windows 2000 is installed on it and its a Packard Bell link below
[broken link removed]

Any other suggestions welcome
Most application and update downloads are big these days so they are simply going to be slow on dial-up. Better to download them on a broadband connection and then move them to the dial-up PC using a CD or whatever. I'd recommend AVG for virus checking alright. Firewalls, virus and adware checkers will use some of the PC's resources but they should not grind the PC to a halt. Better to be a bit slower and protected than faster and unprotected.