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Registered User
Changed over name on UPC in January of this year as I thought I was staying on in the house I was in.

It turned out I moved from it at the end of February 2013. UPC changed name after much phonecalls, they then wouldn't leave the equipment that was there for the last 12 months they had to send me out new equipment!

Anyways to make a long story short, I tried cancelling my account and giving back the equipment as I no longer need it, I have moved to a new house which already has UPC and don't want to be moving in and forcing a newer/dearer UPC package on my new housemates.

Is there any way of getting out of this arrangement. UPC are now charging me €52 per month for equipment that is still in the box!! Oh and if I want to cancel it entirely and give back the equipment it's only €150 to do so, how Irish!

Please help me get out of this.............
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