

Registered User
Has anyone seen the Budweiser add with the horses throwing snowballs at each other. As if.

It makes me physically ill, it's that corny.

But then I got meself tinkin' that, as cheesy as the American adds can be (see IBM, Kodak), there's no way (is there) that these adds were aimed at over 18's. The target audience, I would say, would be 3 - 9 year olds. I mean, have I got this competely wrong. FFS. If that's the case new depths will have been reached by these companys.

Incidentally, I haven't seen the adds in the last week or so; maybe it's been axed!

[expletive deleted]

Mods: put it here, as it's a question.
I think it might be more a case of the target audience having the emotional maturity of 3-9 year olds? After all, the US is one of the few jurisdictions which actually makes it hard for minors to buy alcohol. Guns, yes; alcohol, no... :rolleyes:
Plus, in order to drink that pish, you'd need to have the palate of a 3-9 year old.
This is a letting off steam post. Ive moved it from 'Miscellaneous Non-Financial Questions"
