Unwanted Christmas pressies?


Registered User
I have done ok this year, the only boobie being some very cheap aftershave which will go down the toilet.

Funniest gift is from sister-in-law, 2 nice boxed shirts, one size xl the other one size s! ok if I had a mini-me! wouldn't mind but the size s shirt is the nicest one of the pair.

All the women in my life, ie, wife, sister, mother, aunts, in-laws seem hell-bent on turning me into their father(s), judging by aftershave, socks, shirts, jumpers, books!
If you are in Dublin Crosscare are collecting unwanted Christmas gifts, you can drop them off at the Pro Cathedral otherwise I'm sure lots of Charity Shops would be delighted with them. In the meantime start dropping hints about what kind of gifts you'd really like & hopefully they'll oblige next year!

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I have done ok this year, the only boobie being some very cheap aftershave which will go down the toilet.

We use this kind of thing to put on the dog turds that appear quite often on the pathway outside our house. In the belief that it will mask the smell. Unfortunately we have not yet caught the dog owners yet but when we do they might (will) enjoy the same fate.
Thats the funniest thing ever - you spray cheap after-shave on dog poop !!

Would it not be easier to pick it up & bin it.....or store it somewhere until you find the culprits owner and "return" their lost property:D
Thats the funniest thing ever - you spray cheap after-shave on dog poop !!

Bad move. You gotta lay one of your own down there and mark your territory. Besides, you're never gonna dislike your own smell if you know what I mean.

PS. I've been drinkin...
The funniest present I've seen so far is a khaki camouflage "lounge suit " from Penney's and for chilling around the house. It's the equivalent of an adult babygrow. My 6.2 best mate modelled it on Stephen's day. I'm still laughing 3 days later.
Check out some of the grunge stores around Temple Bar Purple, I think I seen some along there, or indeed the army surplus place on Capel street near the Henry Street junction.
Check out some of the grunge stores around Temple Bar Purple, I think I seen some along there, or indeed the army surplus place on Capel street near the Henry Street junction.

Is he not just joking that the reason he couldn't find them was because they were camouflaged :confused:
Doh! :eek: And I fell for it hook, line and sinker!...nice one Purple... ( I owe ye one! )