Unusual situation on Futura flight


Registered User
2 weeks ago I was flying back to Dublin from Las Palmas with Futura Gael. Towards the end of the flight my attention became drawn to what looked like a normal passenger (i.e. no uniform) talking through the open cockpit door to the pilot or co-pilot. I was seated half way down the plane and I could hear his elevated voice....I'm not saying he was shouting...perhaps just trying to be heard above the noise of the plane. Now I'm not the best flyer in the world anyway, but I was petrified by all this. I could see all the through to the control panels of the cockpit. The man remained talking there for 5 minutes, then went inside and closed the door. Next a uniformed man came out, and started checking if all the passengers had were belted up for the landing, even though the stewardesses had already done this. Now this could all be a bit silly on my part, or maybe it's all the episodes of Air Crash Investigation that I have been so hooked on recently making me paranoid!.. but I thought it was all very inappropriate in the current climate of air safety. Am I over-reacting?
Air Crash Investigation + Sept 11 = paranoia I think

Not saying it wouldn't have scared the sh1t out me too tough ;-)
I'd say he just wanted a go of flying the plane, and the pilot said 'sure, in you go. Just don't press any buttons without asking me first'.:D
Oh dear that would have alarmed me too.

I recall going on hols a few years back and myself and my partner went up to the cockpit to have a look, my ever so smart partner asked the pilot "did he know what all the buttons were for". Mortified so I was!
Yep, very important that you ask that question especially when a [broken link removed]. :eek:

Believe it or not, that was one of the last episodes of Air Crash Investigation I saw before I flew out there! Seriously though it's not something I thought I'd ever see again. It looked very slack to me
Am I missing something here?

The cockpit door was open because someone was talking to the pilot/copilot and then one of them walked through the cabin?

I'm not sure whats scarey about that....Do you have a very over active imagination?
There is also the possibility that the man in civilian clothing had some regulatory function, i.e. either a Futura senior pilot doing compliance checks on the air-crew or a Spanish safety officer - where's the problem?
Am I missing something here?

I'm not sure whats scarey about that....Do you have a very over active imagination?

What? Do you not think that the cockpit should be secure at all times.. especially if as it seemed as a civilian was having a banter through an open door. I for one was not comfortable with it. Over active imagination or not, it just did'nt feel right or normal to me.