Unrealistic house prices on websites


Registered User
When will sites like myhome.ie and daft.ie get with it and put correct valuations on houses on their websites???? Any idea how much to reduce these website price by to get an accurate picture? 30%?
It's hardly the fault of the websites. They list the estate agents' listed price, which is ultimately set by the sellers.
Well, that's a story for another forum. I'd tend to agree with you. From my limited experience, I think the people sticking to the high prices are the vendors themselves.
re. the people sticking to the high prices are the vendors themselves.

It's the vendors' right ..... the vendors after all own the properties and they have no moral obligation to lower their prices for the sake of the purchasers.
U obviously dont own a house tosh100! Or you wouldnt be asking the question. Who's to say they arent correctly priced! Its a matter of opinion!
Absolutely - I don't think anyone was questioning that. Vendors have no moral obligation to do anything, but if they want to sell their houses, they need to price them at a level where people will buy.

[Above reply was to PaddyB - posts got out of synch]

I think the fact that many many houses are failing to sell would indicate that they are priced too high for purchasers. Again, my experience is limited, but the house I bid on has now been on the market for over 15 months. *If* the vendor does want to sell (which can be inferred from that fact that they put it up for sale!), then the only way they will be able to sell that house is to lower the price to a level where someone will be interested in buying it. I have fair idea the price they would let it go for and, if they actually listed it for that price, I really think they would get more interested parties.