Unpopulated Bird feeder


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Mrs ALERT bought a bird feeder last week, I duely visited my local co-op and purchased the necessary feed, .. in this case peanuts, then erected the contraption in the garden about 10 feet from the living room window, (which is plastered with a ream of pictures of Irish birds for id purposes), .. we have yet to have a visitor.

We'd really appreciate advice as to how to encourage the local bird-life populane, of which there are LOADS, (every morning the trees around the house are full of bird-song), to come closer. Could it be that this is the wrong time of the year for peanuts?


It can take a while for the birds to discover the feeder, but when they do, there is no stopping them.

You would help them by putting a variety of food out. Different birds like different things, and some prefer to eat from the table/ground, some prefer to eat from hanging food.

On our table we have peanuts, seeds in a feeder, seeds in a tray, and fatballs hanging down. Different birds eat from each.

Every day we get house sparrows, blue tits, coal tits, great tits, long tailed tits, dunnocks, robins, green finches, chafinches, sometimes goldfinches. There are blackbirds, thrushes, and wrens around but they don't seem interested in the feeder.

Another suggestion is to place the feeder close to hedges or trees, as the birds like to be able to quickly escape danger if a cat or hawk is spotted.

Also leave some water nearby/on the feeder.

To paraphrase..... Built it and put out different food.... they will come.