Unpaid Maternity Leave




I was on maternity leave from Dec 08 to June 09 maternity benefit did not get paid until may 09. I am on unpaid leave from June 09 to Oct 09 and going back to work. Do I claim the tax back on my matenity benefit not received or will that be done automatically? Will I get tax back for only working 3 mths in Tax year? Any info appreciated!
If you have not worked from Jan 09 to Oct 09 then presumably you have not earned nor paid tax. If you go back to work in Oct 09 you will probably not earn enough to pay tax initially at least and will probably therefore have a "tax free" period. Depending on your level of earnings you may not earn enough to exceed your year's tax credits by the end of the year and so may not end up paying tax at all.

Depending on when in Dec 08 you went on maternity, you may have unused tax credits at end of 08 and should ask Revenue for a review of 08 in case there is anything due back to you from there.