UNPAID Maternity Leave--can I pay my pension and continue to pay notional service


Registered User
Please can anyone inform me as to whether I can elect to pay my pension and cover my notional service payments over the 16 week unpaid maternity leave period? The cost to purchase back the 16 weeks is prohibitive.
Thank you
You are asking whether you can continue to pay your normal pension contributions each week i.e. the same amount as if you were at work during your 16 week unpaid maternity leave?...
If this is what you mean then the answer is No.
Purchase of notional service is the method that is used and your right it is expensive.
Evening, many thanks for taking the time to reply. That is what I, unfort., thought regarding maintaining my pension contributions during this time.

The second part of my q. was similiar as I am already buying back years and wondered if I could maintain these contributions too, guessing no!

Can anyone let me know if the situation is the same for parental leave, ie cannot maintain pension contributions, although my understanding is that this leave is reckonable for pension purposes?


Eta: To purchase the additional 16 weeks as a lumpsum for notional pension is the prohibitive cost I mentioned in first post. Not so bad if paid out over time but cannot purchase 16 weeks in this manner.
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