Unpaid for house contents


Registered User
Is there any recourse legally for recouping money which is owed for contents of house after sale has been closed? These contents were
specifically excluded during sale but a fee of 800 euro was subsequently
negotiated privately. Does the Small Claims Court deal with issues like this?
I don't believe there is any recourse through the Small Claims Court in this instance because the transaction did not involve a retailer and a consumer in the course of business. You were transacting a private sale.

Originally we decided to take contents with us but subsequentlly decided
to buy new. Haven't asked solicitor yet as we dont want to take such drastic action yet?
Where these put in writing if not you will not have much of leg to stand on I,m afraid, I did similar when buyinh a house washing machine,and bed meant to be left did verbal did not go throught the solicitor with it thinking all would be fine , checked house when I got keys rang solicitor who said put it down to expeience, so from now on I get all in writing,
many thanks for your thoughts even if it wasnt what I wanted to hear.
I intend to follow up matter.I' ll keep you posted.