Unofficial: PensionsAwarenessWeek 2024


Registered User
Has anyone tried the quizzes here ? What do you think of the questions (i tried one and seems like i need advice from one of their PAW advisors!)

That site gives off slight "National Pension Helpline" vibes to me - seems to be purporting to be something "official" when it's not as far as I can see? I'm not a fan of this sort of seeming deviousness in relation to important personal financial matters to be honest.
Looks like it is run by Moneycube who are investment intermediaries. Probably to drum up some business under the auspices of being something more official.

Questions are a bit vague too... No mention of pension type for example....

.. or mention of age related limits with contributions....

A nice prize would be the classic VW minibus / campervan they used as their logo.
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That page linked in Post#1 was "Last Updated: Sep 27, 2023"
Just curious - how/where are you seeing this?
I don't see any update date looking at the page source or using some of the usual ways for checking such metadata...
Just curious - how/where are you seeing this?
I don't see any update date looking at the page source or using some of the usual ways for checking such metadata...
If you check the t&c for the competition you can see it there
If you check the t&c for the competition you can see it there
Thanks - I was looking at the main page.
I guess that the terms and conditions simply haven't changed from last year.
In any case, it's a very questionable approach to drumming up contacts/business in my opinion and wouldn't inspire confidence in the trustworthiness of the people/companies involved to be honest.
SPHE is apparently in controversy again in post primary school.. some video circulating with very authoritative voices making serious sounding claims... Looks at first class like it is from the NWC...National Women's Council... But in fact it is from NWC... Natural Womens Council.