unleaded in a diesel car?


Registered User
I'm taking the car (1.9 diesel galaxy) for NCT on wed morn and had it in with the mechanic last week for a service which was due anyway. he said the car was fine but to try and have the fuel tank half empty by tue (tomorrow) and to put in about €5 of unleaded petrol. he said it would help 'clean the engine' and reduce emissions for the test. has anyone heard of this being done. I trust the guy but this sounds a bit risky to me.

He completly rite, the petrol will just burn offf any build up left from the diesel, no harm to the engine. you should consider putting some diesel treatment into the diesel once or twice between services as it will do the same job, clean the injectors etc.

you dont have time for that to work now go go for the petrol, better than bein turned down on emmissions!!!

Good luck with the test
I'm still driving the same diesel car mentioned in that thread...
And it's still passing the NCT!

Only thing is, after adding the petrol, you need to put up as many miles as possible for the effect to be noticeable. Putting it in just before the test won't help much.
thanks for all the replies. I might top up this evening so and go for a bit of a drive!

I know that in the cold spell before christmas in the north some people were experiencing diesel which was freezing whilst jeeps were being driven. The way it was suggested to prevent this from happening was to put a bit of petrol into the tank to lower the freezing point of the fuel. It worked by the way, and did no harm whatsoever to the engine. I can't see any reaon why a small amt of petrol would do any harm. I also have had diesel cars which before I went to the NCT centre got a 'sharp' drive to warm the engine and clean the emissions. Drive in 4th and blow the cobwebs outa her!
good point amh,

give the car a good hard drive especially in 2nd 3rd 4th gears just before the test. would want a drive of at least half hour to get the temp up!! Dont be afraid to let her ot it, keep the rev clock well up
Please don't put unleaded in your diesel car. While technically the mechanic is correct it would be all to easy for you to put in too little, therefore not worth the bother, or worse, too much. In a diesel engine the fuel pump and injectors are lubricated by the fuel itself and can become damaged by unleaded. Also, unleaded ignites rather than burns as diesel does, which in a higher compression engine can cause problems.

While I'm sure none of these things will happen I would recommend you purchase a diesel engine cleaner fuel additive, read the instructions on the bottle and use this instead.

A combination of a good fuel additive (as advised by garage) and a good drive before the NCT is always good way of clearing the build up out of a diesel engine