Unjust littering fine.

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-Tissue fell out of my pocket.
-I picked it up.
-They gave me a £75 fine.

What's going on here, what do I do, and can I sue these idiots?
You're one extremely unlucky person. I constantly see people littering, throwing fag butts out car windows, let their dogs foul pavements without all with apparent impunity .

Can you sue them? For €75? I doubt it. You could appeal the fine which would seem to be the logical approach to take.

http://www.bluewaterfp.ie (www.bluewaterfp.ie)
This happened on a coastal road, and yes, they did.
Basically, I live in Pensarn (Wales) and littering is a problem here, so there are wardens everywhere.

And what I meant about suing them is; is there anything I can do beyond getting the fine revoked as a sort of 'You can't get away with trying this sort of thing'?

How is it best to go about contesting this?
This is an Irish website so legal advice may not be the same as in Wales...have you a Citizens Advice type centre where you could get advice?
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