Unions on the run now.Would you now pass the picket?


Registered User
Its been anounced that IMPACT have not got a mandate to go ahead with the proposed strike on March 30th.
It has also been said that they will try another tact to change the rules to allow the 65% vote to get a mandate to strike. fianna fail and lisbon come to mind
Turlough O Sullivan, is correct in saying that lots of workers understand that the last thing their companys need is this strike.
Are we finally getting some perspective. I feel it would be acceptable now to pass the picket as it was not voted for.
Can you imagine the airport closing down ,due to the proposed strike.what in the name of God will this achieve?
What message are the Union leaders giving to their members? How can a "Leader " suggest a strike ,when its clear that its the last thing we need.
Hopefully Union "leaders" will do the responsible thing.
Have these leaders taken a salary cut or freeze?
We badly need to protect our jobs and not put them in jeopardy.
OK,letting off steam over for the day
IBOA have also decided not to support it

[broken link removed]

I'm no lover of unions but I think it was good here to see someone spell out the reasons why the national strike was called in the first place (because I think a lot of people are under the mis-impression that it is a "general day of protest") and why they currently see no reason to join in.

Clearly seems to be some splits in ICTU around all of this
i work in a public office and am not in a union. I kept my desk open during last thursdays 1 hr stopage. I had a number of customers who came in and crossed the picket line. Business and life goes on was the message i got from them.
So much for democracy then. Why have a vote atall if that's what you're going to do?

Seen together with the GRA's actions on behalf of it's members I really do worry where this is leading.

A Garda representative body negotiating with an organistaion that it's members may be investigating for fraud - that's just not on.
Have these leaders taken a salary cut or freeze?

Off topic but I have made this point several times and it is publically rarely brought up.

What Are the top union guys on? 120K plus per year
How many boards to do the sit on (which would have overseen expenses and pay for executives)

And the big one for me Is when a certain siptu leader refers to FF or FG as right wing FF/FG fair enough but those with pictures of Jim Larkin on their wall etc, proclaims to be democratic socialist left.... I d love to know what the founders of the union movements would think of union leaders on 6 figure salaries. I have no issue with with anyone earning huge money (when justified) and am not a supporter of the govt but how can they say one thing, and be on right wing executive pay!! If they belive in thier manifesto, they should be on avg industrial wage... with expenses.

Why arent the memebers of unions questioning this??
because they are sheep. I raised it with members here in my office and no one could give me a proper answer on the salary of the tops guys and what they do for that money.
Congratulations to all union members who showed the integrity and patriotism to act in the best interests of the Irish people.
I hope the rest of us, unionised and non-unionised, and public and private sector, show the same maturity ad intelligence when we have to make decisions that may hurt us but are for the greater good
because they are sheep. I raised it with members here in my office and no one could give me a proper answer on the salary of the tops guys and what they do for that money.

I have to agree. Its amazing the lack of scutiny that these Unions face from their members. I actually tried to find out some details but as a non-member it is impossible to get information. I am not sure what information the members get. For example I have obtained accounts from a couple of different unions through regulatory filings but since most if not all use holding companies, it is impossible to get a break down of expenditure. Are there any members out there who have access to their Trade Unions accounts?
because they are sheep. I raised it with members here in my office and no one could give me a proper answer on the salary of the tops guys and what they do for that money.

stop paying the fees, form another union. Can ye have a vote of no confidence.
Docking - I remember seeing the INO offical for a region being advertised at a General Manager salary level. It didn't state which region though as a General Manager in Galway gets more than the GM in Limerick. Depending on which region its anything from €70K - €150 pa.

Some might say nice work if you can get it.
stop paying the fees, form another union. Can ye have a vote of no confidence.

I'm not in the union so i couldn't care less where they waste their money. All they do is complain about having to take the day off or about the one hr stopages.......they vote for strike and then they don't want to do it ( only voted that wat cause others were )

thats just for a region? F.. Hell.
I honestly would not work for it myself but ya its a good enough wage.

Do you seriously think David Begg or Jack O'Connor would work for the average inductrial wage? I presume the members are not questioning this as they are happy with the remuneration that there officials are on.

because they are sheep. I raised it with members here in my office and no one could give me a proper answer on the salary of the tops guys and what they do for that money.

Again, did it occur to you that members are not questioning this as they are happy with the remuneration that their officials are on?

Why do'nt you apply for the job so?
stop paying the fees, form another union. Can ye have a vote of no confidence.

You cannot form another union as you would not get a negotiating licence...well technically i suppose you could but as no one would negotiate with you it wouldn't be much of a point.

Yes but how can you be hapy if you don't know the figure ?? Ignorance is bliss........
I have to agree. Its amazing the lack of scutiny that these Unions face from their members. I actually tried to find out some details but as a non-member it is impossible to get information.

I'm not surprised that you could not get information, why should unions give information to non members?