Unfair advertisement by Govt parties


Registered User
Have a look at the attached site.


It's a site to see if you are eligible for the new medical card. what right have the FF and PD parties to put their logo on this site. This is a total abuse of power. I would have no problem with the Dept. of Health or the HSE logo but they don't appear on the site at all

These cards are being paid for by the taxpayer, not by the FF and PD parties, yet they both appear to be claiming credit for it. This scheme was approved by Dail Eireann. Surely, if any party has their logo here, then all parties in the Dail should also have their logo here.

It is a move back to the parish pump, wink and knod politics. Apply for your SW benefits and medical card through your local politiciian-he'll see you allright.

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It [broken link removed] this site is being run (and presumably funded) by the PDs, not the Dept. of Health.
Looking at MugsGame link, the renewal date is 11 Nov 2006. Assuming the sitename was bought on a 1yr contract, does this mean the PD's knew this was coming back in Nov 2005?

I'm also surprised the IEDR gave out this domain name given how strict/restrictive they are on domain names.
Things are gone to the dogs over at the IEDR. Anyone can get any domain it would seem.
sluice, the site was launched in March. It does appear the domain was registered in November. But remember the introduction of GP Visit cards was delayed by the GPs.

bond, you have hit on a pet hate of mine at the moment. The IEDR have relaxed their official policies recently. There is a new discretionary category that allows them a lot of leeway in approving applications. Naming policies are more transparent than they used to be. In reality of course the official policies have been updated to reflect the exceptions that were already being made for those in the know. What we need now is similar transparency on pricing.
Not sure what I think of this. There is no suggestion in the site that it is in any way affiliated with the HSE and it just presents itself as a calculator to see if one is eligible for a medical card.

If your income does not fit the criteria, it suggests that you contact your local HSE office and not a politician. I can't imagine that any right thinking person could believe that this in some way suggests that the PDs and FF are responsible for the medical card scheme. I think they are just trying to show us how 'helpful' they are.
bond-007 said:
Things are gone to the dogs over at the IEDR. Anyone can get any domain it would seem.

Given that FG got the domain ripoff.ie in 2003, it's probably been like that for a while. Or else the IEDR rules only apply depending on who's applying for the domain name.
Much of the press coverage of Harney's recent claims about the income limits for GP-only medical cards included references to this PD site, though the official press releases didn't include this reference. I wonder where the journo's got the info from?