Understood signal to show that you disapprove of strikers?

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It's not.

Of course your thread is about public sector workers... has any other poster mentioned any other group of workers who are taking industrial action?

You could have at least changed the title of the thread to clearly identify your target!
... has any other poster mentioned any other group of workers who are taking industrial action?

That's up to them - I have no control over what other posters may or may not bring up.

You could have at least changed the title of the thread to clearly identify your target!

My target? I think you are simply being paranoid now - and unfair.

Not to mention OT.
Various, in the not too distant future.

I suppose hand gestures are the most obvious - but don't exactly carry much decorum.

My target? I think you are simply being paranoid now - and unfair.

Firstly, you start a thread when many public sector groups either are currently considering or have voted for industrial action. You also indicate that you wish to take your anger out on various groups "in the not too distant future". ICTU are organising a mass demonstration next Saturday.

You then indicate that the public sector was not your target! Yeah, gimme a break.....
There is a strike in progress for the last few months and I pass them on a regular basis. Even when it was hard frost and rain , there would be atleast 15 lads standing outside, even at 6.30 in the morning. I don't think much of unions but these hardy lads have slowly won my respect. They are private sector workers if that matters to some posters.
Of course your thread is about public sector workers... has any other poster mentioned any other group of workers who are taking industrial action?

You could have at least changed the title of the thread to clearly identify your target!

Is there any other group talking about industrial action? Probably tells it's own story
Is there any other group talking about industrial action? Probably tells it's own story

Dublin Bus are stiking soon are they not? This is not due to the Pension Levy but due to the manner in which some redundancies are being enforced. Should we "Throw Sharp Rocks" at these men/women many (260) of who will soon be without a job and without a redundancy payment.

What are you talking about? Are Dublin Bus a private sector company? Of course I have sympathy for the drivers who will lose their jobs. I also have sympathy with the other 100,000 or so workers in the past 12 months.
Dublin Bus seems to be implementing a last in first out system. Whats so immoral about that? The unions aren't even trying to protect jobs. They are simply trying to get massive pay outs for some workers (willing to hazzard a guess that those with strong union connections would be first in line).

Just can't understand the mentality of people wanting to strike. Why not organise a massive protest march or something for a Sunday if there is some sort of moral argument to be made.

Will the Dublin Bus drivers have sympathy for the unemployed people who can't make it to job interviews, unemployment offices, post offices etc when they are on strike?
A very unhelpful contribution ......

I'm sorry you don't approve, but I was answering Caveats original question, not waffling off like you have done.

In case you havent read it, this was the OP's question : 'Understood signal to show that you disapprove of strikers'

My answer was to that.
gimme a break.....

Maybe you should in fact give me a break

YOBR, although there have been some tongue in cheek responses and a little digression, it was a genuine question.

If you don't want to answer, that's fine.
Maybe you could throw rocks at them. Sharp edged ones. Or sharpened sticks.

I do not advocate violence, or any other form of civil disobedience as a method of expressing disapproval, either to strikers or, indeed, anyone else. Obviously, you have no such objection.
How about voting differently in future? Perhaps this would lead to a change in policies which would negate the need for industrial action in the first place.

Maybe you should in fact give me a break

YOBR, although there have been some tongue in cheek responses and a little digression, it was a genuine question.

If you don't want to answer, that's fine.

Caveat, I have given my answer already.
baldy people should have to pay a tax for not having the expense of getting hair cut
I do not advocate violence, or any other form of civil disobedience as a method of expressing disapproval, either to strikers or, indeed, anyone else. Obviously, you have no such objection.

I thought it was funny, saying that I do like a joke.
Caveat, I have given my answer already.

So are you saying that your only answer to this question:

is there any accepted and understood way to show that you are NOT in support?

Is this?

How about voting differently in future? Perhaps this would lead to a change in policies which would negate the need for industrial action in the first place.

If so, fair enough. How would I turn this into something I can physically say or enact in front of strikers then?
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