Understood signal to show that you disapprove of strikers?

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You know the way cars passing pickets tend to beep their horns to show that they are in support?

Well I was wondering is there any accepted and understood way to show that you are NOT in support?
I could think of one or two ways, mainly using said number of fingers in a gesture towards the offenders..

You could always swerve towards them, missing them at the last minute to scare the bejesus out of them.

Any particular group you wish to take your anger out on?
I saw an elderly man give a one fingered victory sign during the cabbies drive-slow earlier in the week. This he managed by folding his index finger and firmly clasping his thumb over it .
Spitting is fairly unambiguous, I'd have thought.

Pelting rotting fruit and vegetables is more effective from a distance, but necessitates carrying around a suitable stock of ammunition.
Verbal abuse?
Repeatedly crossing the picket? ... actually I might try that one myself.
You know the way cars passing pickets tend to beep their horns to show that they are in support?

Well I was wondering is there any accepted and understood way to show that you are NOT in support?

I suggest that you beep your horn to show that you don't support them.
I wouldn't expect to see much support for workers on here as posters on AAM seem to be a different demographic, I'd imagine a lot of self employed and small business owners. You have all jumped to the conclusion that because posters on here don't support the unions, the majority out there won't either. A little bit arrogant, this may come back to bite you in the bum in the next few weeks .
I think there is going to be a serious amount of industrial strife in the coming weeks/months. The union I'm a member of is currently balloting for strike. I'm voting for strike action
A lot of posters on here feel the need to felon-set ordinary working-class people with the nonsense that as soon as we all agree to start working for f*ck all and 'smash' the unions then competitiveness will return and the Celtic Tiger will be back with a vengeance. Yeah Right!
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Well I was wondering is there any accepted and understood way to show that you are NOT in support?

How about voting differently in future? Perhaps this would lead to a change in policies which would negate the need for industrial action in the first place.

Well, of course they see it that way, otherwise they would have to hold their hands up and take responsibility for the dreadful voting choices [and resultant policies] that have been made over the last 15 years!
How about voting differently in future? Perhaps this would lead to a change in policies which would negate the need for industrial action in the first place.

Well doesn't apply to me anyway - have never voted FF and never will.
You have all jumped to the conclusion that because the minority on here don't support the unions, the majority out there won't either.

Actually not one person I've spoken to (from wide range of backgrounds) support the unions on this.

...this may come back to bite you in the bum in the next few weeks .

Don't really understand this. If you're saying that holding the nation to ransom may change collective minds then I think you are wrong - personally speaking, it will only increase my contempt.

I can't think of one poster who has said this, or believes it.

I will be personally encouraging everyone I know who disapproves of industrial action to make their feelings known as strongly and obviously as possible. What form this may take is a different matter.
Any unemployed people out there (including myself) could stand alongside any strikers and carry a poster saying...

"I will NOT PAY the Pension Levy,
I will NOT PAY the Income Levy,
I have NO Job"
I will be personally encouraging everyone I know who disapproves of industrial action to make their feelings known as strongly and obviously as possible. What form this may take is a different matter.

I have no problem with people expressing their views about the Public Sector (for lets face that it what this thread is about) but what's the problem with industrial action? Are workers (both public and private sector) not entitled to take industrial action? It is a long accepted form of protest by workers particularly in this country.
The union I'm a member of is currently balloting for strike. I'm voting for strike action

I am a private sector employee being made redundant. I cannot see how strike action will help matters in any way. When the strike is over the strikers can go back to work the next day. For over 300,000 of us, that is a luxury.

There are many reasons for unions to be annoyed at the Govt but could their well paid leaders not come up with some alternative to strikes ?

Strikes destroy jobs and costs the economy a fortune in lost productivity.
Strikes are a blunt instrument - they only affect those who need the services being withdrawn, and don't hurt the real culprits - the Govt and the bankers.
Actually not one person I've spoken to (from wide range of backgrounds) support the unions on this.

Caveat, tell me this, Who are the Union in your opinion?

The Members are the Union.

Did someone hold a gun up against the heads of 12,721 lower paid public and civil servants that are members of the CPSU? Did this same person tell 83% of them to vote for industrial action?

Are you trying to say that the lower paid section of the public and civil service are that stupid and not able to make their own minds up and take a stand against the what this Government is trying to do, while at the same time handing over the deeds of the country to the Banks.

We all need to take a stand. We all need to do something to get ourselves out of this mess that the Banks and the Government got us into. Its OUR country after all. Some will be hit harder than others in the same way some benefited more than others during the good times.

I'm sick to the teeth of reading such crap on this webiste (a fantastic website, that I have been delighted to use over the last couple of years), constant slating of the public and civil service as a whole when in reality this mess was created by those with all the power.

I'll take a hit, i'll pay my way, but when I see the likes of the criminals running our banks and getting away with what they have done (and there's more to come!), special needs school children being denied a decent education due to a €7m cut in funds while the banks get €7bn...

Where is the justice in this country?

We should all stand together and not use forums like this to incite hatred amongst our fellow workers.

I will be striking, not just for myself but for every decent person that has paid their way, paid their taxes and is fed up with whats going on and wants change now!
I wouldn't expect to see much support for workers on here as posters on AAM seem to be a different demographic, I'd imagine a lot of self employed and small business owners.

Really ?

I though the average person on here has massive credit card debts, baldy built houses and is made redundant next week.
I'm sorry, I have no symathy for those striking. I have many friends and family who are in the public sector so its not like I'm just in the private sector and ignorant!

I have just heard again today about a friends brother who lost his job, his wife lost hers just before Christmas. They have 2 young kids. Also I have very close friends and both have lost their jobs in the last 2 months. Again, they have 2 kids. I'm not talking about big banker wages either - some very modest salaries, less than €30k.

Lots of people are being made redundant, with no pensions or pay offs. If you asked I'm sure 99% of them would very gladly swap with the public sector, take the reduction of the pension levy and know they have jobs and pensions.
I am on the brink of losing my job, 2 brothers have lost theirs and we've no comeback, you wont see us striking, so no, I have absolutely no symathy whatsoever.
Glad this is the letting off steam thread because its coming out my ears right now!!
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