Underpaying tax from additional income


Registered User
Hi everyone, I am a normal PAYE worker. Last year I did a small amount of work for additional income for another company (with approval from my main employer). This was under the 5k limit, so I will pay that through myAccount on Revenue in the next couple of weeks.

This year I did quite a bit more work for the second company so the tax implications next year i.e. to be paid by October 2025 are more significant, roughly 20k I will have to pay. I know I need to register to be self-assessed and already spoke to a local accountant who is going to sort this out for me.

Unfortunately, I had some sudden unexpected costs that meant a large part of the money I set aside for revenue next year is gone. I won't be doing additional work next year outside my normal job. I will at least be able to set aside enough money to cover the tax owed (although it will be tight), but I'm wondering what implications there might be if I have a shortfall. Can revenue just take it from my tax credits over a few years? Are they amenable to this? Are there limits in place etc.? If I owe 20k but could only pay 10k as a lump could I ask them to take the other 10k over 4 years for example? Just to be crystal clear, I'm not asking for a way around paying the tax I owe, just wondering what issues I could face if I struggle to pay the full amount owed. Basically, having faced these unexpected costs, I'm wondering how sick with worry I need to be as I save all I can for the next 12 months :oops:

I see here (https://www.revenue.ie/en/jobs-and-pensions/end-of-year-process/underpayment-position.aspx) that it says "Where you have an underpayment of Income Tax or USC of less than €6,000, you will have the option to:
  • pay your liability partially or in full through the ‘Payment/Repayments’ card in myAccount
  • or
  • have the full or remaining liability collected, interest free, by reducing your future tax credits from 2024 over a maximum period of four years."

I'm wondering would that mean if I had 14k of the 20k, could I then request to pay the remaining 6k via tax credits
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When I have small underpayments, of say 100-250 euro, they adjust my tax credits.

How they will treat 20k underpayment, I don't know.

Other posters here will know more.
I'll definitely be able to build up 10-15k before it's due, so it wouldn't be a 20k underpayment. Worst case is 5-10k, best case is settled in full (a lot of cutting back on things for the next 12 months).
Since it's interest free I would be inclined not to make a full repayment even if you were able to. If you leave €6,000 outstanding then having it collected through tax credits would be preferable. Your net pay would reduce by 6000/48 = €125 p.m. for 4 years which could be more manageable for you.
From next about Feb or March, depending on how good your current employer payroll is done, you will know your underpayment at that point by filling out the form online. You can then save the form until you are at a point where you can pay the tax due and then pay it as long as it's before October end 2025. You will be asked for prelim tax for 2025 but as you have not done anything you can enter nil.
Since it's interest free I would be inclined not to make a full repayment even if you were able to. If you leave €6,000 outstanding then having it collected through tax credits would be preferable. Your net pay would reduce by 6000/48 = €125 p.m. for 4 years which could be more manageable for you.
Revenue Interest is 8%

Make the declaration in full and on time and make some payment toward the liability. Then pay what you can as often as you can. If it is cleared early next year they may not levy interest.

What you owe is preliminary tax and they MAY be more lenient on that.
The case described, leaving €6,000 outstanding is interest free:
"Where you have an underpayment of Income Tax or USC of less than €6,000, you will have the option to:
  • pay your liability partially or in full through the ‘Payment/Repayments’ card in myAccount
  • or
  • have the full or remaining liability collected, interest free, by reducing your future tax credits from 2024 over a maximum period of four years."

I'm wondering would that mean if I had 14k of the 20k, could I then request to pay the remaining 6k via tax credits
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Hi everyone, I am a normal PAYE worker. Last year I did a small amount of work for additional income for another company (with approval from my main employer). This was under the 5k limit, so I will pay that through myAccount on Revenue in the next couple of weeks.

This year I did quite a bit more work for the second company so the tax implications next year i.e. to be paid by October 2025 are more significant, roughly 20k I will have to pay. I know I need to register to be self-assessed and already spoke to a local accountant who is going to sort this out for me.

Unfortunately, I had some sudden unexpected costs that meant a large part of the money I set aside for revenue next year is gone. I won't be doing additional work next year outside my normal job. I will at least be able to set aside enough money to cover the tax owed (although it will be tight), but I'm wondering what implications there might be if I have a shortfall. Can revenue just take it from my tax credits over a few years? Are they amenable to this? Are there limits in place etc.? If I owe 20k but could only pay 10k as a lump could I ask them to take the other 10k over 4 years for example? Just to be crystal clear, I'm not asking for a way around paying the tax I owe, just wondering what issues I could face if I struggle to pay the full amount owed. Basically, having faced these unexpected costs, I'm wondering how sick with worry I need to be as I save all I can for the next 12 months :oops:

I see here (https://www.revenue.ie/en/jobs-and-pensions/end-of-year-process/underpayment-position.aspx) that it says "Where you have an underpayment of Income Tax or USC of less than €6,000, you will have the option to:
  • pay your liability partially or in full through the ‘Payment/Repayments’ card in myAccount
  • or
  • have the full or remaining liability collected, interest free, by reducing your future tax credits from 2024 over a maximum period of four years."

I'm wondering would that mean if I had 14k of the 20k, could I then request to pay the remaining 6k via tax credits
As the debt will relate to income tax and you will be filing a form 11 tax return as a chargeable person, the link you have provided will not apply to you as that is applicable to individuals who file PAYE tax returns via their revenue myaccount. The below link is what you are looking for to deal with your income tax debt.

As the debt will relate to income tax and you will be filing a form 11 tax return as a chargeable person, the link you have provided will not apply to you as that is applicable to individuals who file PAYE tax returns via their revenue myaccount. The below link is what you are looking for to deal with your income tax debt.

That's very helpful, thank you. I do think I'll be able to pay it all, but knowing that there are options such as this at least removes the worry.