Underfloor Heating with wideslab construction



I am looking at using underfloor heating over a wideslab floor construction, is it possible to use a build-up of wideslab, insulation then screed incorporating the underfloor heating.........any advice or build-up options.
Thanks in advance for advice
When you say wideslab, I assume something like what Flood Flooing supply as per the attached.

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First of all are you installing a wide slab unit with the structural screed? If so the build up could be the following working from the top down.

1. 75 to 100mm non structural floor screed with under floor heating on
2. Insulation on
3. Structural screed on
4. Wideslab floor slab

You will need specialist advice regarding the thickness of the non structural screed, 1. as above

Here is one such company providing screed thicknesses less than 50mm, but I would be very concerned with regarding cracking to the screed. Do they provide any certification etc . http://www.easyscreed.ie/index.php/easy-screed/what-depth-and-when-to-pour

Your engineer should advice you on the depth of structural screed 3. and wideslab floor unit 4.