Undercharged New Client


Registered User
hi all,

I am a new business and people are popping into my workshop to see what I am about. A reputable company in the area purchased my product, however in the middle of the transaction I got distracted by another customer calling in, and undercharged the company by €20.00!.
I dont know what to do next.. should I tell them about it and hopefully they will forward me the money?
Ignore it, I dont want to upset them as they could potentially be a returning customer.
I am worried that I come across as someone who is practically "giving the stuff away" and customers wont take me seriously.
any suggestions????
It would depend on what the total bill was.

If it was €120 and you charged €100, then I would leave it. It might encourage them to come back, when you could then explain the mistake but leave it as a discount.

However, if the total was €40 and you charged €20, I would follow it up as it would not look good on your part. There should not be a problem with the company paying the balance as it was so obviously a mistake.
I'd just make it clear that there was an error and while you are happy to honour the pricing error, you just wanted to drawe their attention to the correct price.

If you just ignore it & then charge the higher price the next time, they may be annoyed/surprised at the fluxuating prices.
The total was up to €50. I think I will have to bring it up, I like the idea of drawing their attention to it but honour the pricing error. Feel better able to face them next time now. thanks guys.
I'd write it off to experience and say nothing. We all make mistakes when first starting in business and they're ususally alot more expensive than €20.
I'd write it off too.

Think of it as giving them a new business discount. If you cause ripples over a mistake you've made with their first transaction they could decide to go elsewhere.
should the customer not have realised that they got a bargain? I don't think there is any point contacting them to say they got a discount by mistake if they should have realised an error was made as they might be expressed to return.
Post them an invoice with the original price shown for the item. Mark down a discount as a welcome to new customers and send it to them showing the account is paid in full.

Your message will be clear. You can follow up a week later to ensure that you are being understood and that you would like to discuss a discount level for their future custom.