Unconventional motoring


Registered User
I've seen a guy locally on half a dozen occasions driving a car with both the windscreen and rear window completely missing. On one occasion, it was lashing rain so he was wearing a set of goggles you would see on motorcyclists in World War 2 movies.

It is clear that this is not a temporary measure while he is waiting for a replacement windscreen. My guess is the front one gave way, he ploughed on without it, realised the turbulence may be less if the wind had an escape hatch so he blew out the rear window.

I was interested to see when his NCT sticker is due, but funnily enough, there is none because there is no place to display it. It is my mission to catch a photo of this and show it to the world.

Has anyone else seen this kind of extreme in the "modified cars" category?
OMG, had to laugh when I read this, - goggles! My worst was trying to get into Bank of Ireland in Tallaght (anyone who's been there on a Friday afternoon will know what I'm talking about). Anyway trying to squeeze into the place, when a foreign national driving a clapped out micra, tied up exhaust and that kind of thing, with L plates, he'd an army of kids jumping around the back and a lady with one of those high turban things on her head, how could he see past it! , the side back window taped up with what looked like chipper paper, and him on the mobile, reversing into the wall! And then getting out and shouting at the security guard for lack of space! (Ah, the irony of it) I just robbed the spot he'd vacated and ran into the bank!