Unbootable pc



Recently my labtop crashed and i since havnt been able to use it. It gives 5 options when powered:
1/ safe mode
2/ safe mode with networking
3/ safe mode with command promt
4/ last known good configuration
5/ start windows normally

For all these options it goes to the stage where it appears to be loading, at which time it promptly changes to a blue screen saying a problem has been detected and windows needs to shut down. Safe mode also doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

Can you get the command prompt version to boot up? If not you're in pretty serious trouble, possibly a corrupt hard drive. If you can get the command prompt, you could try running a disk scan (it used to be invoked by just typing scandisk but not au fait with windoze these days.)
Sounds like a corrupt hard drive, I'd say take it to a techy and ask them to take a look at it. Fixing these things can get complicated. Try , they are pretty good I hear.

Bewarned though that once a disk has gone corrupt I find they can re-corrupt again without too much provocation!

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Borrow an XP cd from somebody if you can, boot up with it in the drive and select the option to repair an install and see if that sorts it.
I had a similar problem at home though mine was caused by trying to delete a virus.Once the blue screen of death appears things aren't good,however I got another harddrive set it up as the master and the corrupt/bad one as a slave,then I copied the necessary files and got rid of the corrupt/bad harddrive.It's happened to me a few times(work) and 50% of the time I've recovered the info this way.Good Luck